building materials distribution

load and route planning

Helping building materials merchants to drive efficiency, cut costs, and build resilience by supporting complex decision-making in their daily operations.

Whether you deliver building materials or any other specialized products, being able to take fast turns in load and route planning can mean the difference between winning or losing the daily race for competitiveness.

Our AI-POWERED Load and Route Planning Software provides unrivalled digital torque that allows dispatchers and planners to do incredibly complex, time-critical calculations with ease – moving more payloads with fewer trucks each day.

Explore how far you can go on AI. A truckload of features and tons of benefits await you. 

what you can expect

  • Cost leadership and service level excellence.
  • Acceleration on the road to net-zero.
  • Cut down the number of trucks, trips, and travel distances by 30 to 50%.
  • Less hassle for your dispatchers and your customers.

ai-powered load and route planning:
how it works

Our software fits easily into your existing IT infrastructure, speeding up logistics decision-making processes significantly. Connected to your ERP system, our software constantly retrieves the most current order book. In combination with fleet and geo data, the system creates three optimized plans - all in less than ten minutes:

Load Plans

Finding the right loading model is a hard nut to crack. And shipping too much “air” can quickly drain your fleet’s productivity. Our software can process a larger range of variables, including all product, site, and truck constraints.

Truck Schedules

Multi-stop transport planning is the ultimate challenge for any dispatcher. Our software can do incredibly complex, time-critical calculations with ease – moving more payloads with fewer trucks each day.

Picking Lists

Manual picking is a time-consuming and error-prone activity. Our software eliminates the human error from this process. It provides your staff with an easy-to-use list that accelerates the loading processes in your depots.

delivering results in BUILDING MATERIALS distribution
for over 25 years

We at INFORM have pioneered the use of algorithms in building materials distribution more than 25 years ago. 

Today, we are fortunate to have some of the big and medium size players like Heidelberg Materials, Holcim, and CRH put their trust in us. Our customers typically achieve:

  • An increase in load volume and weight by over 50%.
  • A reduction in fleet size by over 30%.
  • A cut in the number of trips by almost 50%.

Watch the video below and explore what our software can do for your business.

downloads & more


BROCHURE - everything you need to know about our software, incl. a complete feature list.


LOGISTICS TECH SHORTS - The most powerful webinar resource center.


ROCKCAST - The only podcast for building materials logistics.
