Apr 18, 2023
ADD*ONE optimization by INFORM GmbH is Certified by SAP for Integration with SAP S/4HANA
The ADD*ONE BO 2023 version of the ADD*ONE optimization software is certified by SAP® ...
Nov 16, 2023 Caroline Kronenwerth
ShareThe ongoing shortage of skilled workers is posing major challenges to companies worldwide, affecting a variety of industries.
For example, according to a recent study by ManpowerGroup, nearly 4 in 5 employers worldwide report difficulty finding the talent they need in 2023. (Source: „Studie: Fachkräftemangel 2023“, URL: https://www.manpowergroup.de/de/insights/studien-und-research/studien/2023/03/24/13/08/studie-fachkraeftemangel-2023, Date: 11.10.2023).
In supply chain management, the shortage of skilled workers can lead to supply bottlenecks and inefficient processes.
One example is the world's largest aircraft manufacturer Airbus, which announced at the beginning of the year that despite record profits, it was suffering from production problems due to a shortage of skilled workers and a lack of parts. (Source: „Airbus kommt nicht hinterher“, URL: https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/airbus-flugzeuge-auslieferungen-101.html, Date: 11.10.2023).
However, solutions are available to effectively address this problem. In this blog post, we present three key approaches that demonstrate how intelligent software can provide an answer to the global skilled labor shortage.
Free up your existing skilled workers from tedious routine tasks and encourage strategic thinking. It is not uncommon to find experienced professionals spending a great deal of time on tedious, repetitive tasks, such as creating routine orders, instead of focusing on important strategic challenges. This can be frustrating for employees and can affect the efficiency of your company. Modern optimization systems can come to the rescue. These systems use mathematical algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) to automate many of these time-consuming routine tasks and make informed decisions on their own. This frees up more time to react quickly to exceptional situations and develop important business strategies. Thus, your skilled workers can once again focus on the creative and strategic aspects of their work. All this leads to smoother processes, greater efficiency, and satisfied employees.
With the retirement of baby boomers from the labor market, more valuable skilled workers with many years of experience will be lost. It is therefore crucial for companies to preserve knowledge and use it efficiently. Optimization software can also play an important role here. It not only stores the (expert) knowledge and accumulated experience of your employees, but also draws on it to derive sound recommendations for action. At the same time, intelligent software provides quick access to relevant information and resources. New employees can access better-prepared data more easily and in a more targeted manner and build up their knowledge quickly. Mistakes in decision-making can thus be reduced to a minimum from the outset. Working together as a team is also made easier: experienced colleagues can pass on their knowledge more easily and thus accelerate the on-boarding of new employees in your company. This improves the transfer of knowledge from generation to generation and increases the resilience of your supply chain management despite a shortage of skilled workers.
The use of modern planning software shows that a company is technologically advanced and supports innovation. This can attract talented professionals who enjoy working with innovative tools. In addition, professionals increasingly want a challenging and fulfilling job while maintaining a healthy balance in their personal life. Both these things can be achieved using an intelligent software solution in your company. The software makes work easier, reduces stress, improves transparency and communication, and paves the way for demonstrating and thus recognizing successes in the supply chain. Intelligent software solutions can therefore help to increase the motivation of your employees and establish a culture of appreciation – another decisive competitive advantage when it comes to attracting potential applicants to your company.
All in all, it is apparent that intelligent software solutions help to deal with the challenge posed by a "shortage of skilled workers" more effectively. Relieving existing employees of time-consuming routine tasks, actively transferring knowledge, and creating an attractive working environment increase efficiency and long-term corporate success. Intelligent technologies are not only a possible answer to the shortage of skilled labor, but also hold the key to future viability.
*¹ Studie: Fachkräftemangel 2023“, URL: https://www.manpowergroup.de/de/insights/studien-und-research/studien/2023/03/24/13/08/studie-fachkraeftemangel-2023, Stand: 11.10.2023
*² „Airbus kommt nicht hinterher“ URL: https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/airbus-flugzeuge-auslieferungen-101.html, Stand: 11.10.2023
About our Expert
Caroline Kronenwerth
Caroline Kronenwerth has been working as PR Manager at INFORM since 2021 and focuses on trends and topics related to optimizing processes in supply chain management and simplifying inventory.