32% of Australian Businesses Ready for AI, New Study Finds

As artificial intelligence continues to transform the business landscape, it's crucial to understand how prepared organisations are to harness its potential. This timely report, based on a survey of over 300 senior decision makers, provides an in-depth look at AI adoption, strategies, challenges, and enablers.

  • Benchmark Your Readiness: Compare your organisation's AI readiness with insights from 311 senior decision-makers.
  • Tailored Industry Insights: Get industry-specific data for banking, aviation, logistics, and professional services to see how AI is transforming these sectors.
  • Future-Proof Your Business: Understand the critical steps needed to harness AI's full potential and stay competitive in the digital transformation race.

YouGov Survey

YouGov is a global public opinion and data company. Their tailored consumer intelligence helps businesses, brands, and institutions understand the world better – and their business solutions unlock the power of data to solve problems.

Download the "AI Readiness in Australian Organisations" Report

Explore the comprehensive landscape of AI adoption across Australia. Our report delves into the challenges businesses face and provides valuable insights into their readiness to harness this transformative technology.

Unlock the potential of AI with INFORM's expert guidance. Our actionable recommendations offer a clear roadmap to overcome obstacles and ensure successful AI implementation.

Key Topics Covered Include

  • Efficiency and Productivity Gains: 90% of respondents believe AI has improved or can improve efficiency and productivity within their organisations.
  • Profitability Enhancement: 87% of respondents state that AI has increased or can increase their organisation's profitability
  • Scalable Technology Infrastructure: 86% of respondents indicate that their technology infrastructure is adaptable and scalable for AI.
  • Reasons for AI Use: The most common reasons for currently or planning to use AI are to improve efficiency/productivity of systems. 37% cite AI use is to generate additional revenue.
  • AI Strategy Snapshot: 59% of surveyed organisations have an AI strategy in place.
Fostering cross-functional collaboration and prioritising ethical considerations are essential for successful AI automation.
Dr. Paul Flachskampf
CEO of INFORM Australia

AI In Your Industry

AI can be useful for all businesses. Whether you're an AI leader or just beginning to explore AI, this report delivers the insights you need to benchmark your efforts and chart a path forward.


All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov. Total sample size was 311 senior decision makers in Australian organisations currently using or planning to use AI. Fieldwork was undertaken between 28th March - 2nd April 2024. The survey was carried out online


Nearly four in five (78%) respondents say AI is currently used in their organisation. More than one in five (22%) say their organisation doesn’t currently use AI but plans to start using it in the next 12 months.

 This report details AI effectiveness, efficiency, and implementation in a range of businesses.


So what does this mean for you? A business owner, director, or manager. 

You’ll be able to discover how other businesses within your industry have successfully integrated AI within their business. Guiding you on how to best implement, expand, or refine your own AI journey.

Download the industry Report

Discovering how AI can be implemented in your industry in essential to understanding how you can make the most of this new technology.


While Australia's logistics and transport industry understands the significant potential of AI, gaps that may hinder full implementation across the sector include:

  • 58% admit organisational data tends to be stuck in siloes
  • 82% face resistance to change from employees
  • 36% cite there is a lack of AI talent

Learn more about how INFORM helps logistics organisations.


There are several key challenges are hindering banks from being truly AI-ready:

  • Poorly defined AI Strategy (27% vs 18% nationally)
  • Highly fragmented, siloed data environments (46% vs 24% nationally)
  • Significant resistance to change from employees (83% vs 73% nationally) and senior leadership (29% vs 20% nationally)

Learn more about how INFORM helps finance organisations.


The aviation industry is marginally ahead when it comes to being fully prepared for successful AI implementation and use. However:

  • 80% admit their organisational data tends to be stuck in siloes
  • 94% face at least one barrier to full AI preparedness
  • Resistance to change from employees was cited by 93%

Learn more about how INFORM helps aviation organisations.

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